Sagan, however, denied that he was an atheist: "An atheist has to know a lot more than I know." In reply to a question in 1996 about his religious beliefs, Sagan answered, "I'm agnostic." Sagan maintained that the idea of a creator of the universe was difficult to prove or disprove and that the only conceivable scientific discovery that could challenge it would be an infinitely old universe.
January 23, 2010
O presupunere gresita a agnosticului Sagan
Agnosticul Carl Sagan sustinea ca un univers ce exista infinit in trecut ar infirma ideea unui Creator al Universului. Ceea ce este fals, bineinteles. Si tradeaza ignoranta si lipsa de sofisticare. Chiar si in acest caz, este rezonabil (chiar firesc!) sa asumi Creatia ca avand loc din transcendent, adica *din afara* seriei temporale, ceea ce e asumat oricum in crestinism!
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